Monday, April 14, 2014

Jardinage - Gardening

Le printemps et les températures douces se font encore un peu désirer, mais il est temps de commencer les semis. Au programme aujourd'hui, citrouilles, petits pois et tournesols (ben oui, on y croit au soleil!). Finn a observé les opérations pendant un petit moment mais il ne voulait pas toucher ni terreau, ni graines et pour finir, l'appel du toboggan a été plus fort!

Even though spring is not quite in full swing yet, we thought it was time to get cracking with our first sowings. On the cards today, pumpkins, garden peas and sunflowers (for the one day of sunshine we might get this summer). Finn was paying attention to the proceedings but he wasn't too keen on getting his hands dirty and in the end, the chute seemed a lot more appealing! 

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