Sunday, January 2, 2011


A notre arrivée chez Manou, il n'y avait qu'un petit tricycle. Noah l'a adopté tout de suite mais Liam en aurait bien voulu un aussi... Heureusement Chantal a eu l'idée lumineuse de demander à Déborah l'ancien petit tricycle d'Eloi. A nous les courses entre le salon et la cuisine. Mais finalement, ce qui nous fait le plus rire? A deux sur le meme !

When we arrived at Manou's there was only one small trike. Noah claimed it as his own but Liam wanted one too... Luckily Chantal had the brilliant idea to ask Deborah if we could borrow Eloi's old one. So much fun racing against each other between the kitchen and the lounge. But in the end, what did we enjoy most? Riding the same one !

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