Sunday, January 17, 2010

Glasgow Green

Aujourd'hui, on est allés à Glasgow Green pour changer un peu.

Today, we went to Glasgow Green for a change.

On a commencé avec le toboggan.

We started on the slides.

Liam adore et descend comme un champion (quand les chaussures ne le freinent pas!). Noah, lui, a une technique intéressante: sur le dos!

Liam loved it and was going down like a champ (when he wasn't slowed down by his shoes!). Noah had an interesting technique: going down on his back!

Ensuite, on a fait de la double balançoire avec l'aide de Papa et Nana. Encore une fois, Noah adopte une approche non conventionnelle!

Then we went for the seesaw with a little help from Daddy and Nana. Once again, Noah is trying a not very conventional method!

Et puis bien sûr, les incontournables balançoires!

And of course, no visit to the park would be complete without the swings!

Pppffff, encore les balançoires .......

Ppfffff, swings again ....

Mais on adore ça!!! On ne s'en lasse jamais!

But we love it!!!

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