Saturday, July 11, 2009

Palaceriggs Country Park

Noah & Mum

Liam & Dad

Aujourd'hui, on est allés manger au pub 'The Stables' à Kirkintilloch, un joli pub près du canal. On a eu beaucoup de succès auprès des 3 dames avec qui on a partagé notre table! Après on est allés se promener à Palaceriggs Country Park, il y avait beaucoup d'animaux. Et coincidence extraordinaire, on a rencontré les jumelles qui sont nées le même jour que nous à la maternité: Amy et Macy!

Today we went for lunch at 'The Stables' pub by the canal in Kirkintilloch. The 3 ladies we shared our table with were very taken by us! Afterwards we went for a walk at the Palaceriggs Country Park and we enjoyed looking at all the rare breed animals. And by a very random coincidence, we met the identical twin girls who were born on the same day than us at the Princess Royal: Amy and Macy!

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