Ce midi, Noah a eu un petit accident. En voulant ramasser Sophie la girafe qui s'était échappée, il a oublié que sa tête pesait encore plus lourd que son derrière et comme ses mains étaient occupées avec Sophie, il s'est retrouvé la figure sur le tapis ... Un de ses boutons a éclaté et sa lèvre a doublé de volume. Le pauvre, il a tous les malheurs du monde cette semaine...
This lunchtime Noah had a little accident. While trying to reach for Sophie the girafe, he forgot that his head was still heavier than his bum and since his hands were busy trying to get Sophie, he ended up with his face flat on the rug... One of his spots split and he's now got a fat lip. Poor wee soul, it's not his week...
Ca ne serait pas arrivé si il avait porté son casque. Nous pensons d'ailleurs rendre le port du casque obligatoire!
One thing to say though, this wouldn't have happened if he had been wearing his helmet at the time. We're actually considering making helmets compulsory!
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